
Farmer on the phone with her farm dogs

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Meet your team

Mark Peters full image
Head of Sales
Brian Walker
National Sales Manager
Kieran Eades - Internal Sales
Internal Sales

I joined Datamars Livestock as an Internal Sales Representative in November 2024. Through daily interactions with store managers and extensive networking, I have gained a deep understanding of the complexities within the Australian agricultural sector. I am eager to observe how the industry evolves and adapts as innovative technologies are introduced, enhancing the sustainability of farming practices for the future.

James Ellis
Regional Manager Western, Territory Manager, Southern SA
Western Australia

With a background in agriculture, I joined Tru-Test in 2006 as the Territory Manager for South East Riverland and Adelaide Hills. Over the years, my territory expanded to cover South Australia and later the Darwin and Katherine Regions. In 2022, I transitioned to the role of Western Regional Manager. My focus remains on fostering growth and building strong partnerships within the region.

Craig Weinert
Regional Manager
Southern Australia

I joined Datamars in May 2022, leveraging 15 years of expertise in managing sales and operations within the fertilizer industry. Prior to this, I oversaw sales teams across multiple manufacturing sectors, cultivating a robust skill set in diverse industrial environments. My career began in sales, but it is firmly rooted in engineering. I hold a double honours degree in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering from the University of Melbourne, which has provided a strong technical foundation to my approach in sales leadership.

Paul Tindall
Regional Manager
Northern Australia

I joined Datamars as the Territory Manager for Western Queensland in January 2022 and advanced to the role of Northern RSM by August 2022. My learning journey has been both fast and furious. I am fortunate to work with a fantastic team at the company, and I deeply value the dedication and hard work of all my team members.

Scott Davis
Regional Manager
Smart Farming

I started with Tru-Test as the Territory Manager for Western Victoria in April 2013, before transitioning to a Technical Specialist in Southern Australia in 2018. The creation of the global Smart Farming division in 2021 led to my role as Manager for Southern Australia. Currently, I am the Business Development Manager for Smart Farming in Australia. I thrive on guiding a product from concept through research and development to deployment on farms, delivering solutions that optimise producersโ€™ operations and ease their daily efforts.


Hayley Goad
Territory Manager
Northern WA

I joined Datamars Livestock in January 2022 as the Territory Manager for Northern WA, covering nearly 80% of the state. Itโ€™s truly a privilege to work in such a distinctive region, collaborating with exceptional clients and agricultural enterprises. The journey so far has been both demanding and fulfilling, providing invaluable opportunities for growth and learning.

Cameron Griffin
Territory Manager
South West QLD

I joined Datamars as the South East Queensland Territory Manager at the start of 2024. After a decade of hands-on fieldwork, transitioning to AgTech has been a rewarding experience. Iโ€™ve thoroughly enjoyed assisting producers in leveraging modern technology to enhance the profitability and sustainability of their operations.

Ken Pettit
Territory Manager
Hunter & Northern NSW

Over more than 11 years at Datamars Livestock, Iโ€™ve cultivated a deep agricultural background, stemming from my upbringing on a sprawling 10,000-acre property in Tamworth. From early days working alongside my father on fencing and tractor duties, I progressed to establish my own business in manufacturing livestock equipment. Transitioning into sales, I became the NSW Territory Manager, witnessing the transformative impact of technology on farming practices.

Lucy Campbell
Territory Manager
Southern NSW

Iโ€™ve been entrenched in agriculture since growing up on a cattle property in North West Queensland, where my family bred Brahman cross Droughtmasters. After high school, I ventured from Queensland for a gap year that extended into five years in the East Kimberliesโ€”an experience that solidified my passion for agriculture. Throughout my career, Iโ€™ve held diverse roles: from Leading Hand on a breeding property in the Gulf of Carpentaria to a Livestock Officer in a 30,000-head feedlot, assisting with live export preparations and working at the JBS Plant in Townsville. 

Melissa Campbell
Territory Manager
Northern VIC

I started in my current role in March 2022 and have since had the privilege of meeting numerous knowledgeable professionals in the rural industry. I appreciate the continuous opportunity to learn something new each day and to explore various parts of the state, which enriches my understanding and experience in this field.

Charles Green
Territory Manager
South West QLD

I began my journey as the Territory Manager for South West Queensland with Datamars Livestock in January 2023. I relish the opportunity to train producers on the Tru-Test product line and demonstrate how our products can enhance their businesses and boost the productivity of their operations.

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Trevor Dowd
Territory Manager
Western VIC

I started with Datamars Livestock five years ago after spending seven years at a rural store in Terang. My journey with Datamars Livestock has taken me to numerous new locations, deepening my appreciation for Australiaโ€™s diverse landscapes and communities.

Kim Matsen
Territory Manager
Southern WA

I joined the team in 2021, having spent most of my life in Southern WA, where I grew up on a small beef cattle property and later owned a small farm and Paint Quarter Horse Stud. My career journey includes senior management and sales roles

Tristan Edwards
Territory Manager
Northern SA & NT

I joined Datamars as a Territory Manager in 2022, bringing with me over 18 years of experience in rural sales, including several years at a rural reseller. I take great pleasure in offering the right solution for our customers, whether they operate on a small scale or within a corporate business framework. My passion for Datamars Livestockโ€™s technology is fuelled by the tangible benefits it brings to farmers, enhancing their productivity and profitability.

Lauren Kelly
Territory Manager
Central QLD

Raised in Northwest Queensland, my passion for agriculture was ignited from an early age. After high school, I pursued higher education at the University of Queensland, earning degrees in Agribusiness and Sustainable Agriculture with a focus on Livestock and Poultry production systems. Post-graduation, I ventured into agricultural sales. Now at Datamars Livestock, I am an advocate for our products. They are more than just equipment; they are integral to management decisions.

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Direct Line
Gippsland VIC
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Direct Line
Northern QLD
April Falconer
Territory Manager
Central and Western NSW

Joining Datamars as Territory Manager in 2024 marks a significant milestone in my 17-year journey within the agricultural sector. Having personally experienced the transformative impact of Datamars Livestockโ€™s products throughout my career, Iโ€™m thrilled to have the opportunity to complete the circle by introducing these exceptional solutions to fellow farmers and businesses.